In the world of digital and networked media, the technology industries that provide the infrastructure for the entertainment and media industries have become important. In particular, platform- mediated networks have become very important. This course will cover platforms from a strategy and marketing perspective. The objectives will be to understand how platforms function, the unique challenges they face, and how platform-oriented companies can leverage their strengths and achieve success in the marketplace. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of readings, class discussions, case analysis, and a group project. Thus business use of Digital Technologies is rapidly evolving from a narrow MIS (Management Information Systems) view of digital technologies where technology supports traditional operations to a situation where digital technologies are deeply embedded in the operation of the enterprise and where the customer experience of the enterprise is always and fundamentally mediated by digital technologies. This means that digital technology is increasingly business critical as it becomes more deeply embedded in the organisation and it becomes clear that without new business model enterprises cannot remain competitive. Digital business is confluence of enterprise systems, mobile systems, the Internet and analytics in a data-intensive environment that underpins current approaches to the creation, implementation, delivery and evolution of products, processes, services and experiences. The philosophy of the course will be to integrate real world understandings with those more theoretical ideas found in the Information Systems literature, and to use key analytical templates to throw light on the practice and experience of organising and managing for digital business.

Course Leader

In the world of digital and networked media, the technology industries that provide the infrastructure for the entertainment and media industries have become important. In particular, platform- mediated networks have become very important. This course will cover platforms from a strategy and marketing perspective. The objectives will be to understand how platforms function, the unique challenges they face, and how platform-oriented companies can leverage their strengths and achieve success in the marketplace. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of readings, class discussions, case analysis, and a group project. Thus business use of Digital Technologies is rapidly evolving from a narrow MIS (Management Information Systems) view of digital technologies where technology supports traditional operations to a situation where digital technologies are deeply embedded in the operation of the enterprise and where the customer experience of the enterprise is always and fundamentally mediated by digital technologies. This means that digital technology is increasingly business critical as it becomes more deeply embedded in the organisation and it becomes clear that without new business model enterprises cannot remain competitive. Digital business is confluence of enterprise systems, mobile systems, the Internet and analytics in a data-intensive environment that underpins current approaches to the creation, implementation, delivery and evolution of products, processes, services and experiences. The philosophy of the course will be to integrate real world understandings with those more theoretical ideas found in the Information Systems literature, and to use key analytical templates to throw light on the practice and experience of organising and managing for digital business.

Course Leader

Dr. Halimin Herjanto

Studying Monsoon Simulation (MonsoonSIM) is a business simulation game that includes 12 business concepts. The game will be joined in a team that responsible for running a virtual company to compete with companies from other teams. To win the game, the players will faced with business practise problems that require players to learn business concept of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) whithin the company. ERP is an itegrated system of all parts and functions within a company that can serve the specific needs of each module/section (departement). In MonshoonSIM, the easiest ERP implementation form all modules/sections that will be updated in real time. Thismintegrated information can accelerate the flow of information which will also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, from the procurement to sales. By enrolling in our short courses, you can advance your professional growth andestablish a solid foundation in business and management. Once you grasp the intricacies of business operations, the next step is to identify your passion or specialization and craft a comprehensive plan.

Course Leader

Fitri Wahyuni, S.E., M.Sc